Warm Hands For Christmas

This December we managed to send out 72 pairs of children’s thermal gloves to a small village in Eastern Europe.

As Operation Orphan grows we are able to impact the lives of more children across the world. This December we managed to send out 72 pairs of children’s thermal gloves to a small village in Eastern Europe. Through our connection with some friends living out in Hungary we are looking at helping these families who are well below the poverty line.


The children in this picture have very little to keep them warm through the desperately cold winter. Temperatures can get down to as low as -35 degrees celsius. The little girl in this picture is from a family of 10 children and the only meal she will get today is at school. These children have a great number of needs. Our gloves are a small step and next year we would love to be able to make a much larger donation by providing Warm Winter Kits for these children. If you think you could help with this in any way please let us know!
