Newlove in the warehouse

This week we were delighted to have David Newlove join us here in Nottingham. 

David was one of the 12 runners who took part in the Hope Alive Tour in April.  But he decided that running a marathon in 30°C heat wasn’t enough, so he decided to come and continue his support of the charity by coming from Hull to volunteer in the warehouse.  He did an amazing job!! 

Here’s a little bit from him about his experience:

I enjoyed my time with Operation Orphan 100% and I’m glad I’ve finally seen how things work in the warehouse. I was put in charge of sorting through all the clothes and making sure everything was separated correctly in the right ages.  The boxed items needed to be weighed, labelled and properly stored. Operation Orphan also had other volunteers in this week and so I was also able to show them how to complete the tasks given.  The days ended with me doing a quick clean and tidy up ready for the next day.

Speaking for myself I can say that I would definitely come back whenever possible.  I have met some great people over the 3 days and absolutely loved working in the warehouse.  After spending time in Sierra Leone I know exactly how much this means and the impact it makes to those who need this support. I think knowing these children a little bit really drove my volunteering, I could put a face to all the clothing and aid being sent.
