Keep a Child Learning Tertiary Scholarship Fund
Securing a child’s education lays the foundation for them to build a strong future.
When a child is orphaned they often become the lowest priority and can be seen as a financial burden to the extended family that absorbs them into care.
Empowering these children to go to school, not only eases the burden for the carers but is a solid investment in ensuring they have the best chance of success as an adult.
There are some children Operation Orphan currently support who have the potential and ability to go to university or vocational training college and play a leading role in their community and country. In most cases this is simply a step too far. This fund empowers high achieving and hardworking orphans with the opportunity to attend university or a vocational training college.
There are two types of tertiary scholarships awarded.
Fee only Scholarship
Full Scholarship – This will include tuition fees, living expenses, education materials and transport. A needs assessment will be conducted.
Each successful candidate must meet the following criteria.
They are an orphan.
They are under the age of 21.
They have financial hardship.
They are known by Operation Orphan and partners.
They have achieved the relevant results to be accepted into university or training college.
There is strong evidence showing they are trustworthy, hardworking and of good character.
The university or training college is reputable and competitive.
Controls are able to be implemented
The following controls will be in place.
All funds sent by Operation Orphan will be administered by an official Operation Orphan partner.
Operation Orphan partners are a registered legal entity in their country and have a track record of successfully administering Operation Orphan funds.
The designated welfare officer/s will:
Ensure fees are paid.
Ensure all other agreed expenses are paid.
Ensure receipts of all payments are obtained and filed.
Regularly check the recipients attendance, results and personal well-being.
Regularly report on the recipients progress.
The following commitment will be made by the recipient of the scholarship.
The recipient will write termly updates as to how they are progressing.
Agreement to “Paying back” in the form of sharing skills (eg teaching at the Homework Centre), financial contributions to Operation Orphan if appropriate, offering employment to other orphans once able to do so.