Jewellery Sale in Norfolk

On Friday we had a fantastic time selling some of the beautiful jewellery from Uganda.

Made by the ladies and children from around Nabigyo this jewellery has many different purposes. Firstly it means that the orphans and vulnerable children in the area learn a skill that they can use to generate income for their family. The children who made this particular jewellery go to the Pencott Valley School supported by Operation Orphan. During their holiday from school some of the ladies decided it was important to make sure that the children had something to do, so they taught them how to make the jewellery.

The jewellery is mainly made out of paper or plastic beads. The paper beads are made by rolling strips of paper and then glazing. They make very beautiful, but lightweight pieces of jewellery.

Team Taylor (made up of myself, my mum (Becky) and my sister (Katrina) sold some of this jewellery last Friday as part of the Mulbarton Gymnastics Fundraising event. We made approximately £30 and had some great conversations with people sharing about the work of Operation Orphan. All the money will be going back to Uganda to continue the jewellery project and the work in the school.


FundraisingHeather Sharp